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Seminario - Stephan Paul (Technical University of Munich)
Tipologia evento:
"Life of pi“ or Searching for new properties and rare species of light mesons Abstract
The rich research program of the COMPASS experiment at CERN comprises the longitudinal and transverse spin structure of the nucleon and precision measurements with pions. The presentation will focus on low energy pi-photon interactions and diffraction production of light mesons addressing exotic states. The measurements allow quantitative comparisons with modern calculations using chiral effective field theory. The presentation will also address novel spectroscopic techniques for multi-hadron final states, reveal their analysis power and anticipates applications for future analysis of tau lepton decays at B-factories.
Aula A
Dipartimento di Fisica
Via Valerio, 2 - Trieste
Andrea Bressan
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08-10-2021 - 10:56