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First CSTCP seminar: Introduction to Quantum Algorithms for Physics Applications - Guglielmo Mazzola IBM Zurich
Wednesday May 26th 2021 at 16:00 - Zoom Meeting
Tipologia evento:
As part of the newborn Colloquium Series in Theoretical and Computational Physics (CSTCP) at the Physics Department of the University of Trieste, Miramare Campus, we are glad to invite you to the first colloquium (leaflet below):
Wednesday May 26th 2021 at 16:00
Zoom Meeting
Password: TheorPhys
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms for Physics Applications
Dr. Guglielmo Mazzola
(IBM Quantum & IBM Zurich Research Lab)
I will introduce basic concepts of quantum computation, highlighting the key properties of a typical quantum algorithm compared to its classical counterpart.
I will provide concrete examples of quantum primitives (i.e. hamiltonian simulation, quantum phase estimation) that will enable solving important physical problems (in quantum chemistry, electronic structure, or lattice gauge theories), with an exponential speedup, or that can be used in quantum machine learning for classification problems.
Finally, I will discuss challenges and prospects in achieving a practical quantum advantage in the near future.The Colloquium Series in Theoretical and Computational Physics targets the whole physicists community, physics students at all levels are particularly welcomed to attend.
The colloquium will last 45 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of discussion.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Zoom Meeting
Link: https://tinyurl.com/colloquium-quantum-algorithms
Meeting ID: 956 7657 6295
Passcode: TheorPhys
Dr. Antimo Marrazzo
(Dipartimento di Fisica, UniTS)
Ultimo aggiornamento: 21-05-2021 - 15:19