Elenco eventi scaduti

Data inizio evento Sedeordinamento crescente
09/11/2017 - 16:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF - X. Artru - Spin inequalities, spin entanglement, and Monte-Carlo for polarized jets.
15/11/2017 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-AS - E. Sefusatti - Neutrino Masses, N-body Simulations and Cosmological Perturbation Theory
08/02/2018 - 15:00 Trieste Seminar @ DF-TS - A. Tilloy - Interacting quantum field theories as relativistic statistical field theories of local beables
12/04/2018 - 16:00 Trieste Alumni Colloquium @ DF - A. Colli - The Magic of Hogwarts: Turning Academics into Entrepreneurs
27/03/2018 - 14:00 Trieste Seminar @ DF - G. Torrieri - The ideal relativistic fluid limit for a medium with polarization
07/03/2018 - 16:00 Trieste Colloquium @ DF - R. Fazio - Quantum time crystals
02/03/2018 - 14:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-TS - F. Carollo - Current fluctuations in boundary-driven quantum spin-chains
28/02/2018 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-AS - F. Ferraro - An empirical clock to measure the dynamical age of star clusters
14/02/2018 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-AS - G. Brunetti - LOFAR: opening a new observational window at low radio frequencies
09/02/2018 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-TS - R. Alicki - Self-oscillations in photovoltaic/thermoelectric/fuel cells and biological engines
09/04/2018 - 16:00 Trieste Seminar @ DF - L .Lupi - Role of Stacking Disorder on the Barrier and Pathway of Ice Nucleation
19/04/2018 - 08:00 Trieste #AttractYoung | 19-20 April, 2018 AREA Science Park | Campus di Padriciano | Padriciano, 99 | Centro Congressi
10/01/2018 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-AS - A. von der Linden - Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters: from Weighing the Giants to LSST
06/12/2017 - 14:45 Trieste Seminar @ DF-INFN - A. Valentini - UV Photocathodes
23/11/2017 - 10:30 Trieste Seminar @ INFN - C. Frugiuele & C. Peset - Examining muonic atoms spectroscopy as new physics probe
29/11/2017 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-AS - P. Mitchell - The physics driving the star formation rates of star-forming galaxies
06/12/2017 - 11:30 Trieste Seminars @ DF-AS - M. Pinamonti and A. Zoldan
31/01/2018 - 11:30 Trieste Seminar @ DF-AS - D. Fiacconi - Formation, growth, and coalescence of supermassive black holes
06/02/2018 - 15:00 Trieste Seminar @ DF-TS - A. Tilloy - Ghirardi -Rimini-Weber Model with massive flashes
02/02/2018 - 09:00 Trieste PhD Program in Physics - End of XXX Cycle Seminars

