Orientamento in itinere

ContattiPresentazione Corso di Laurea Triennale
Presentazione Corso di Laurea Magistrale InterateneoBorse di studio (LT e LM)
ErasmusInformazioni per immatricolarsi (LT e LM)
Attività di tutorato per le matricoleSeminari e Colloquia



Borse di studio (LT e LM)

INSPIRE Potentials - Master Fellowship for women researchers

Several "INSPIRE Potentials: Master Fellowships" in first-principles simulations are available to outstanding women researchers for 6-month stays in Swiss research groups belonging to the MARVEL NCCR


In a field of science where women are still strongly underrepresented, the "INSPIRE Potentials - Master Fellowships" aim to support excellent female students in their Master thesis projects, while giving them access to outstanding research facilities and environments.

The next deadline for submission is 15 April 2017; all information can be found at: http://nccr-marvel.ch/en/references/equal-opportunities/inspire-potentials

Note that the INSPIRE Potentials Master Fellowships are initiated in close collaboration with National network NCCS QSIT - Quantum Science and Technology


Borse di Studio Collegio Universitario "Luciano Fonda"



Pagine dedicate a Luciano Fonda:



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Premi e Contributi



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Mobilità internazionale



Sito di Ateneo:


Ultimo aggiornamento: 03-04-2017 - 10:50