Elenco eventi scaduti

Data inizio eventoordinamento decrescente Sede
10/05/2024 - 14:00 Workshop: "As for the CAT - models and interpretations of Quantum Mechanics"
06/06/2024 - 14:30 Colloquium Series in Theoretical and Computational Physics: Recent Trends in Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies
01/07/2024 - 15:00 Trieste Colloquia: "Cosmology in the era of large overlapping surveys: new horizons and challenges" - Prof. Elena Pierpaoli (University of Southern California)
17/09/2024 - 16:00 Seminario: "The formation and protective behavior of a hexagonal boron nitride layer on platinum-type surfaces"
19/09/2024 - 09:00 Trieste Simposio CSTCP: "Recent Trends in Quantum Computing and Quantum Technologies"
08/10/2024 - 17:00 Seminario: GdAlSi: A potential candidate for altermagnetic topological Weyl semimetal
11/11/2024 - 14:00 Seminario: “The DarkSide-20k experiment for direct search of Dark Matter at LNGS, status and perspectives”
12/11/2024 - 17:00 Conferenza “Un problema di affollamento: i detriti spaziali”
20/11/2024 - 18:00 Incontro su imprenditoria femminile e STEM
28/11/2024 - 16:00 Trieste Presentazione del cluster Bora
04/12/2024 - 17:00 Trieste Seminario Visiting Professor del Centenario: "High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Neurosciences" - Prof. Gisela E. Hagberg
17/01/2025 - 15:30 Trieste Seminario: "Analyzing structures of biomolecules at the single molecule level by direct imaging on surface" - Dr. Kelvin Anggara
29/01/2025 - 11:00 Trieste Seminario: "Are glasses different in Flatland? Insights from a model of 2d amorphous silica" - Dr. Marco Dirindin
29/01/2025 - 14:30 Seminario: "Boosting Photon Science through Detector Development" - Dr. Anna Bergamaschi
05/02/2025 - 14:00 Trieste Seminario: "Exploring Complex Systems: Dynamics, Growth and Fluctuations Out of Equilibrium" - Dr. Gianluca Teza

