Research Outcomes


The Physics Department encompasses the research and education activities of University of Trieste in the domain of physics and specifically in the areas of Theoretical Physics, Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Particle Physics, Astroparticles and Gravitational Waves, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Applied Physics. These research activities are strengthened by the participation in a tight collaboration network of national and international major research organizations, which results in an extremely remarkable scientific productivity.
This is clearly witnessed by the success of the Physics Department, in recent years, in attracting scientific projects through external funding granted on peer-review based open competition mechanism. Besides several other projects, funded at the national level (including grants related to the "Rita Levi Montalcini" Programme dedicated to young researchers) as well as at the international/European one, particularly noteworthy are the ERC grants presently hosted at the Physics Department.

Herebelow, we provide a list of research projects managed by the Physics Department and of the network of scientific collaborations that demonstrates care of the international dimension as well as, in terms of ties with the local territory, of the national one. Furthermore, the Physics Department is involved in several projects and activities managed by the institutions it collaborates with: these undertakings are described in the pages of the relevant research groups. It should be noted that this scientific vibrancy represents a benefit also for the students, who are exposed already at an early stage of their education path to a stimulating enviroment that proves ideal in terms of career chances offer.
Project titleScientific coordinator
Project duration  (months)
Funding source
Nuove direzioni per la cosmologia degli assioniEnrico Morgante36MUR
Polvere, dischi e detriti: nane bianche come sonde di composizioni planetarieNicola Pietro Gentile Fusillo36MUR
From ProtoClusters to Clusters in one Gyr: the swift ripening of the most massive structures of the UniverseAlex Saro24MUR
COSMIC-POT: new challenges in the nucleosynthesis of the heavy elements- Observations, Models and innovative InstrumentationGabriele Cescutti24MUR
2D biOmimetic mateRials: bifuNctiOnaliTy, charge Transfer, and dynamics fOr rechargeable metal-air BattEriesErik Vesselli24MUR
Model discovery in the complex parameter space of unmodeled gravitational waveform reconstructionsAgata Trovato24MUR
CHIral SYmmetry REstoration in heavy ion collisionsValentina Zaccolo24MUR
MEGS - MultiExciton Generation in tailored molecular heterojunctionSAlberto Morgante24MUR
Learning through and about quantum channelsFabio Benatti24MUR
SECSY - Simultaneous electrical control of spin and valley polarization in van der Waals magnetic materialsAntimo Marrazzo24MUR
Precision tIming in the quest for New physiCs at LHCVieri Candelise24MUR
Materials modelling for energy storage applicationsAlessandro Baraldi24MUR
Fully-digital 3D imager for gamma and hard-X raysFulvia Arfelli24MUR
QUBOP - QUest for BOron PhosphideLuca Cozzarini24MUR
RADIOSAT Q/V - Progettazione di un’antenna di tipo dual reflector, nello specifico un’Axially Displaced Axis (ADE) Antenna per applicazioni CubeSatFederico Dogo24PICOSATS SRL
RESENET - Realizzazione di un sistema di sensoristica avanzata basata su comunicazione wireless e networking IOTAndrea Cernigoi24SECURITY CONTROL SRL
LSPE - Large Scale Polarization ExplorerAnna Gregorio12ASI
Esperimento ALICE - Sviluppo e caratterizzazione di rivelatori al silicio innovativi: dai pixel monolitici a geometria curva ai rivelatoriultra-veloci per misure di tempoGiacomo Contin12INFN
Esperimento COMPASS - Misura di effetti di spin trasverso nel DIS su deuterio polarizzatoAnna Martin12INFN
Ricerca sperimentale per lo sviluppo di nuovi protocolli per la crescita di eterostrutture composte da materiali duedimensionali, nello specifico grafene, nitruro di boro esagonale e dicalcogenuri di metalli di transizioneAlessandro Baraldi12ELETTRA - SINCROTRONE TRIESTE S.C.P.A.

Gestione utiilzzo e R&D del rivelatore di vertice dell'esperimento ALICE al Large Hadron Collider dei Laboratori del CERN

TOMAS - Sviluppo della Tomo-Mammografia al SincrotroneLuigi Rigon12BENEFICENTIA STIFTUNG
LAT-FERMI 2023-2026 - Attività di analisi dati del telescopio LAT a bordo della missione FERMIFrancesco Longo36ASI 
Simulation of polarized quark fragmentation and application to the investigation of the nucleon structureAlbi Kerbizi24MUR
Space-based cosmology with Euclid: the role of High-Performance ComputingStefano Borgani24MUR
A compact multimodal X-ray system for 3D micro-imaging of soft tissue based on the integration of spectral and phase-contrast techniquesLuca Brombal24MUR
Shedding light where 2D materials go 3D: energy transfer and second coordination sphere at biomimetic model surfacesErik Vesselli24MUR
ELMA - Misure di perdita di energia con sensori a pixel monolitici attiviGiacomo Contin24MINISTERO DEGLI AFFARI ESTERI E DELLA COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE (MAECI)
QuCoM - Quantum Control of Gravity with Levitated MechanicsAngelo Bassi36UE - Horizon Europe
UNICOSMOS - Unravelling the intertwined correlated states of matter in moiré superlatticesFederico Becca24UE - MSCA
FastOrbit - Controllo orbitale veloce di qubit nucleari in array di atomi di itterbioFrancesco Scazza60MUR
CHIRAX - X-ray spectroscopy of molecular chirality in solutionsGiovanni Comelli60COMMISSIONE EUROPEA
MAWI - Matter-Wave InterferometersAndrea Trombettoni60COMMISSIONE EUROPEA
QUID - Quantum Italy DeploymentAngelo Bassi30COMMISSIONE EUROPEA
Build-up of complexity in quantum simulators from the bottom upFrancesco Scazza24MUR
EMC2 - Euclid Mission Cluster Cosmology: unlock the full cosmological utility of the Euclid photometric cluster catalogMatteo Costanzi Alunno Cerbolini24MUR
OrbiDynaMIQs -Two-orbital uantum many-body systems: kondo dynamics and mediated interactionsFrancesco Scazza60UE - ERC
S-BaXIT - Scattering-Based X-ray Imaging and Tomography Pierre Thibault60UE - ERC

Last update: 30.01.2024


Colour code:

€ < 100.000
100.000 < € < 1.000.000
€ > 1.000.000



Last update: 02-02-2024 - 15:44