How to


Administrative and accounting Services

Amministrative Responsible: Noemi Gussetti  ( )

Melissa Amati - Research and project Management
Francesca Apollonio - Research and project Management
Stefano Canziani - Travel reimbursements and external collaborators
Giulia Ghiretti - Public Procurement
Maria Ilaria Miot - Public Procurement
Irene Spagnul - Research and project Management
Ottavia Umani - PhD management


Educational Services

Educational Secretary: Silvana Palmiero (

Laura D'Amore - Educational Administration
Mija Kalc - Educational Administration


The adminstrative staff supports the Department's research projects and the PhD in Physics and the PhD in Nanotechnologies; teaching is also administratively supported.


Technical Services

Andrea Cernigoi - Technical coordination - High energy physics laboratory - Safety
Maicol Coradazzi - Teaching laboratories - General Services
Giovanni Fabian - Teaching Laboratories- Helpdesk - Safety


The Department's technical staff are in charge of of general maintenance, and assist the teaching and research staff in ensuring the smooth functioning of the laboratories, in collaboration with the technical staff of our sister institutions (INFN, INAF, CNR, and Elettra).


Information Technology Services

Elia Cuzzoni (User support and digital teaching office) - Systems Manager
Nadia D'Antoni - Web Master - Helpdesk - Safety
Alessandra Richetti - Coordinator and Systems Manager


Our Information Technology Services staff manage the Department's computing resources, in coordination with the IT services of our sister institutions (INFN, INAF, ICTP, and Elettra).


Last update: 01-09-2025 - 13:35