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An innovative Aerosol Jet Printer installed and commissioned in the interdisciplinary "AJP LAB" at the University of Trieste
An innovative "Aerosol Jet Printer – AJP," has been installed and commissioned in the new interdisciplinary AJP LAB at the University of Trieste. This innovative instrument, unique in the region (with only two others in Italy), was established by professors and researchers from the Departments of Physics (DF), Engineering and Architecture (DIA), and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (DSCF).
The instrument is equipped with advanced technology that enables the printing of traces or the creation of three-dimensional structures on any object using various "inks" such as metals, polymers, and chemical and biological compounds. The material is atomized and deposited layer by layer through a jet guided by high-speed gas, allowing for the creation of complex prototypes in significantly reduced time compared to traditional methodologies, thereby revolutionizing the research and development process.
The Aerosol Jet Printer opens the doors to a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary applications spanning the areas of chemistry, physics, and engineering. These applications include the development of detectors for nuclear and particle physics, medical physics applications, chemistry, crystallography, aerospace engineering, and satellite communications.
In particular, professors and researchers from the Department of Physics plan to initially use the AJP printer for the development of semiconductor detectors for sub-nuclear physics research, research on X-ray medical imaging with phase-contrast, and applications in aerospace robotics with the integration of mechanics, circuits, and sensors.
Last update: 12-07-2023 - 11:43