Condensed Matter Physics

Nano-science is presently one of most active fields of basic research, rich in potential technological applications. Its aim is the understanding and control of matter at the nanometer scale. Advanced synthesis techniques and state-of-the-art analytical tools such as scanning tunneling microscopy, ultra-short laser pulses, and x-rays from synchrotron radiation are used by the researchers from the Department of Physics, in close collaboration with the TASC Laboratory of the Istituto Officina dei Materiali (CNR), and with the ELETTRA Laboratory. A parallel activity is centered on theoretical modelling and computations, both to explain experimental results and to provide predictions about the properties of new materials, such as low-dimensional systems, liquids and colloids, semiconductor and semi-metals.

Research Strands and Groups

Research Strand Gruppo di ricerca Head
Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics Electronic Structure of Materials: Theory and Simulation Maria Peressi
Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics Liquids and Colloids Giorgio Pastore
Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics Theory and Simulation of Confined Fermions Gaetano Senatore
Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics Strongly-correlated models on the lattice Federico Becca
Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics Supercooled liquids and glasses Daniele Coslovich
Theoretical and Computational Condensed-Matter Physics Quantum many-body Theory and Simulation
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Ultra-Fast Spectroscopies and Strongly Correlated Materials Daniele Fausti
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Electronic properties of thin films and 2D heterostructures Alberto Morgante
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Electronic Properties of Nanostructures and Quasi-2D Metals Silvio Modesti
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Structure and Reactivity of Solid Surfaces Giovanni Comelli
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics New Compound Semiconductors and Nanostructures Alfonso Franciosi
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Quantum many-body physics and quantum simulation with ultracold atoms Francesco Scazza -
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Structure and reactivity of surfaces and 2D materials at near-ambient pressure Erik Vesselli
Experimental Condensed-Matter Physics Nanoscale materials Alessandro Baraldi
Last update: 02-17-2025 - 12:53