List of Expired General News

Publish date Campussort descending
02/07/2020 TEQ featured on the Smithsonian Magazine
02/22/2017 On the effects induced by Carbon monoxide on Platinum nanocatalysts
12/07/2017 QTSpace hands over a Strategic Report on Quantum Technologies for Space to ESA and the EU
03/20/2018 High quality graphene from nickel A study published in Science, carried out by IOM-CNR and the University of Trieste
07/13/2018 International acknowledgements for the work of Prof. Bassi
07/25/2018 A research work of a Physics student in a scientific paper
08/28/2018 Direct coupling of the Higgs boson to the bottom quark observed An observation made by the CMS experiment at CERN represents yet another important milestone reached in the scrutiny of the Higgs boson and its interactions with Standard Model particles
11/09/2018 Nanostructured surfaces that mimic Nature with novel functionalities: new research published in Nature Communications The work was coordinated by prof. Erik Vesselli from the Physics Department of the University of Trieste
11/23/2018 "The Statistical Eyeglasses" - Author: prof. Edoardo Milotti
02/27/2019 Signatures of Enhanced Superconductivity Driven by Midinfrared Pulse Excitations The results of a research project published on Physical Review Letters
10/27/2016 The MMP has obtained the accreditation by the International Organization of Medical Physics Two-year advanced training programme run jointly by the UniiTs and ICTP
02/26/2020 Postponement of the start of 2nd Semester lessons - a.a. 2019/20 and Exam Recovery
05/06/2022 ICTP Library Seminars on Open Science: Pitfalls of Open Science and Possible Solutions
08/23/2022 School on quantum foundations dedicated to Prof. GianCarlo Ghirardi
10/05/2022 ICTP colloquium: "Hydrodynamics of Quantum Liquids: From Electrons to Quarks" - Prof. Giovanni Vignale
12/11/2023 Seminar Intl. Master Degree in Neuroscience: High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Neuroscience
01/15/2024 ICTP: Workshop on Twistronics and Moiré Materials: Bridging Theory and Experiments
05/20/2024 Symposium: "The future of Scientific Computing: a global perspective" - ICTP, Trieste, 27 May 2024
05/23/2024 Professional Master Course in Data Management and Curation - Application deadline: 31/05/2024
07/19/2024 Call for two research grants as part of the MAECI Italy-Germany "ELMA" project

