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Formazione avanzata e ricerca


Studio: PhD e Post-doc

Postdoc position at Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana

We are seeking a post-doc in experimental solid-state materials science/physics/chemistry to work on ferroic materials. Activities will include synthesis, structure determination, and investigation of physical properties.

Using the facilities of the newly established ULTRACOOL Materials Science Laboratory (http://www-k5.ijs.si/sistem-za-nanasanje-trdnih-delcev-v-curku-aerosola/;http://www-k5.ijs.si/oprema/ultracool-laboratorij-financiran-iz-direktorjevega-sklada-2017/), we will investigate the possibility of producing multiferroic composites. The work will take place in the Laboratory of Electronic Ceramics, K5 (http://www-k5.ijs.si/en/), of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hana Uršič (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Ijc7xS4AAAAJ&hl). Collaboration with national and international research groups is an essential part of the research. If you have completed the PhD program and are interested in working at the Jožef Stefan Institute, please contact me at hana.ursic@ijs.si.

More information 


Jožef Stefan Institute

The Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics (Jožef Stefan Institute - Ljubljana) is seeking a Ph.D. student in materials science/physics/chemistry.
The work will take place at the Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics, K5 (http://www-k5.ijs.si/en/), Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Maggiori informazioni


University of Birmingham - PhD position in High-Resolution Scanning Probe Microscopy Imaging of Conjugated Polymers

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Postdoc in R&D presso l'azienda Danieli 

La Danieli di Buttrio (UD) è una delle aziende leader nella produzione di impianti e macchine per la produzione dei metalli. Sta cercando persone con un dottorato in fisica computazionale per un postdoc su un progetto dedicato a studiare e fare simulazioni multifisica delle fasi liquido-solido di un processo di colata continua dell'acciaio fuso.

Informazioni su come applicare a questo link: https://app.ncoreplat.com/jobposition/440582/r-amp-d-researcher-postdoc-buttrio-ud-it/crd


Postdoc in material science/physics/chemistry

Activities will include the preparation of ceramic samples, structural determination, and physical properties investigation. The work will take place at the Laboratory for Electronic Ceramics, K5 (http://www-k5.ijs.si/en/), Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.



Trinity College Dublin - PhD and Postdoc positions open in machine-learning methods for materials science

PhD positions
Postdoc position


University of Cologne - Open PhD positions in Optical Condensed Matter Physics
More information


 ESTECO SpA - Borsa di formazione

ESTECO SpA società leader nello sviluppo di software industriale nell'ambito CAE (sperimentazione virtuale applicata all'ingegneria), ricerca Laureati – Dottori di Ricerca in Ingegneria Informatica, in Matematica o in Fisica da inserire nel Gruppo di Ricerca con mansioni nell'ambito della ricerca e sviluppo, per lo studio e l'implementazione di applicazioni web. La sede di lavoro sarà presso il campus di AREA Science Park di Trieste. Maggiori informazioni al link  http://jobs.esteco.com/o/laureati--dottori-di-ricerca-in-ingegneria-informatica-in-matematica-o-in-fisica


PhD position VU University Amsterdam

Contact for application and more details: Prof. Wim Ubachs (w.m.g.ubachs@vu.nl).


Euclid postdoc at ICE

Job add for postdoc to work on Euclid cosmological simulations at ICE, Barcelona: http://www.euclid-ec.org/?page_id=1080


PhD positions in Berlin - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Please have a look to http://www.masse-spektrum-symmetrie.de/application



Studio: Fellowship e premi


SURF@IFISC 2021 Internships Call

Call for Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) at the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems
(IFISC, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain):

ENI - Debut in Research Prize

Premio Debutto nella Ricerca giovani ricercatori


Ultimo aggiornamento: 16-04-2024 - 12:39