Seminar: "Boosting 2D materials with molecules: multi-responsive and high-performance opto-electronic devices" - Prof. Paolo Samorì

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Event starting on: 
05/24/2022 - 10:00
Event until: 
05/24/2022 - 11:00
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Boosting 2D materials with molecules: multi-responsive and high-performance opto-electronic devices
Prof. Paolo Samorì
(Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS)


Two-dimensional materials exhibit exceptional physical and chemical properties which can be further enhanced and enriched via their controlled interfacing with molecules and (supra)molecular assemblies. In my lecture I will introduce the importance of functionalization of 2D materials to engineer hybrid systems with ad hoc characteristics. I will show how non-covalent and covalent approaches can offer viable solutions to impart new functions to 2D semiconductors rendering them multiresponsive, to leverage the dimensionality for enhanced electronic transport in 2D semiconductors and to develop highly-sensitive pressure sensors for health monitoring. The presented modular strategies offer a simple route to generate multifunctional coatings, foams and nanocomposites with pre-programmed properties to address key global challenges in electronics, sensing and energy applications.


Aula Magna (0_A), Building D, piazzale Europa

Prof. Alberto Morgante (
Last update: 05-20-2022 - 18:23