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Workshop: Quantum Software on Real Quantum Computers
Hands-on workshop - Workshop pratico
Event typology:
A hands-on workshop will be held on Tuesday 29 October 2019 at the University of Trieste (Aula V, Edificio Centrale) by M. Grossi (IBM): “Quantum Software on Real Quantum Computers”.
Participants are kindly requested to register sending an e-mail to ispagnul@units.it with subject "IBM hands-on workshop - 29 October 2019” indicating first and last name and affiliation.
Participants are requested to bring their own computers. Find the poster in attachment.
Università di Trieste, Edificio Centrale, Aula V
prof. Angelo Bassi
Irene Spagnul (ispagnul@units.it)
Last update: 10-24-2019 - 10:54