Seminar - Dott. Lorenzo Di Pietro

Abelian gauge theories in 3d
Event typology: 
Event taking place on
Event starting on: 
05/29/2019 - 16:00
Event until: 
05/29/2019 - 17:00
Event publish date
Published on: 
Title: Abelian gauge theories in 3d
Abstract: Abelian gauge theories in 3d are interesting laboratories to study the strongly-coupled dynamics of quantum field theory. After reviewing some long-standing questions about their behavior in the IR, and some exciting new developments, I will describe two different approaches to estimate their observables at the critical point. The first one is the epsilon-expansion, based on the existence of a Wilson-Fisher-like fixed point for the theory continued to d = 4 - epsilon. The second one is based on a realization of these theories as boundary conditions for a a four-dimensional Maxwell field.

 Aula A, Dip. di Fisica - Via A. Valerio 2


Roberto Valandro

Last update: 05-27-2019 - 16:06