Seminar @ DF-AS - G. Ellis - On the philosophy of cosmology

Event typology: 
Event taking place on
Event starting on: 
10/03/2018 - 11:30
Event until: 
10/03/2018 - 12:30
Event publish date
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After summarising the standard background models and perturbed models of cosmology, this talk will consider problems with these models; the crucial issue of the uniqueness of the universe, and consequent key importance of consistency tests; what we can say about the origin of the universe; limits to what we probably ever will know because of the visual horizon, particle horizon, and physics horizon; and make some brief comments on the issue of the multiverses and criteria for scientific theories• It will also comment on various top down (contextual) effects in cosmology and emphasize that the current state of the universe is not predictable from initial data at early times, because of quantum uncertainty.


Villa Bazzoni


More info here.

Stefano Borgani
Last update: 10-01-2018 - 11:58