Seminar @ DF-AS - R. Yates - From tiny dwarfs to giant clusters

Modelling the chemical evolution of galaxies across cosmic time using semi-analytic models
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Event starting on: 
05/24/2017 - 11:30
Event until: 
05/24/2017 - 12:30
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 In this talk, I will present recent results from L-GALAXIES, a semi-analytic model of galaxy evolution. Such models allow us to efficiently study a full and diverse range of galaxies in the Universe, from tiny 'dwarfs' to the largest 'galaxy clusters', as they evolve.

I will focus on the chemical evolution of galaxies, describing how stars explode and pollute their surroundings with heavy elements over cosmic time. I will compare results from L-GALAXIES to the latest observations of the iron abundance in the hot gas around galaxy clusters, the oxygen abundance in the cold gas within nearby dwarfs, and the alpha enhancements in the stellar populations of old early-type galaxies.

I will conclude by unveiling the latest version of L-GALAXIES, which will allow us to study a whole new range of galaxy phenomena on even smaller, sub-galactic scales in the very near future.


Villa Bazzoni

Gabriella Delucia
Last update: 05-22-2017 - 14:09