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Seminar @ DF-AS - A. Gargiulo - A (short) journey in the realm of quiescent galaxies
Event typology:
In local universe, passive galaxies represent only ~20% of the total number of galaxies, but contribute for more than 60% to the total mass. As a consequence, the comprehension of the mechanisms driving their stellar mass accretion is a fundamental step to understand the universe we see today. In the last five years, deep HST surveys have given a boost to our knowledge on massive quiescent galaxies, erasing some doubts and opening new ones. In this talk I present some of the recent results, both on local and high-z (z ~ 2) passive galaxies, which allow us to gain insight on and to constrain their stellar mass assembly history.
Villa Bazzoni
Andrea Biviano
Last update: 02-22-2016 - 10:05