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8th Belle II VXD Workshop
Trieste, September 9-11, 2015
Event typology:

The workshop will discuss the current status of the SVD and PXD detectors of the Belle II experiment, and in particular the common aspects of both systems.
The Belle II experiment, in preparation at the asymmetric-energy, high luminosity electron-positron collider Super KEKB at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan), will probe nature beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, through precision studies of rare and forbidden processes, addressing fundamental questions such as matter-antimatter asymmetry in our universe, and the origin of dark matter.
The Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) and PiXel Detector (PXD) together form the Vertex Detector (VXD), under construction by an international collaboration with cutting-edge technologies. The VXD will measure the decay vertices of short-lived particles emerging from electron-positron interactions, an essential ingredient in the experiment.
The workshop will take place at the University of Trieste, in SSLMIT Building, Aula Magna (Address: via Filzi, 14, Ground Floor).
Local Organizing Committee: dr. Lorenzo Vitale (Physics Dept. - University of Trieste) and prof. Livio Lanceri (Physics Dept. - University of Trieste)
SSLMIT - University of Trieste - Via Filzi 14 - 34132 TRIESTE
prof. Livio Lanceri and dr. Lorenzo Vitale
Belle II Experiment on Youtube:
Last update: 07-24-2015 - 10:44