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PhD program in Physics at the University of Trieste - XXXIII cycle (2017 - 2020)
Deadline for online application: June 19, 2017 - 1:00 pm (CEST - Italian time)
News typology:
The Physics Department at the University of Trieste is looking for excellent students to fill newly available PhD scolarships in physics, to start in November 2017 for three years.
Leading-edge research projects are available in astrophysics, condensed matter physics, medical physics and biophysics, nuclear and particlephysics, and theoretical physics.
The scientists and technical staff at the Department of Physics work in close collaboration with several science hubs in the area (INFN, INAF, Elettra Synchrotron & FEL, ICTP) and international laboratories such as CERN, KEK, DESY, ESO, ESA.
Twelve scholarships are available to applicants of any nationality. One scholarship is reserved to nationals of countries not belonging to the list of “high-income economies” (World Bank definition).
Deadline for applications June 19, 2017 – 1:00 pm (CEST)
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Further information:
prof. Livio Lanceri coord.phdphysics@units.it
PhD Secretariat at Department of Physics dottorato.fisica@units.it
PhD Secretariat at University of Trieste for general informations and online applications dottorati@amm.units.it
Last update: 06-12-2017 - 16:30