Post-doc opening with Cornell g-2 group

deadline June 30, 2017
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There is a job opening at Cornell:


The Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Associate position with the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment (E989).  The Cornell group has broad responsibilities within the collaboration with significant roles in the construction and support of the master clock and detector electronics, the muon storage ring beam instrumentation, beam commissioning, reconstruction and analysis. The Cornell group also plays a leading role in a range of simulation and analysis efforts including muon beam dynamics, detector performance, and the spin precession analysis.

Construction of the muon g-2 experiment nears completion, with a short engineering run planned for June, 2017 and physics running beginning in the fall.  The successful applicant will assume key responsibilities in support of the clock and electronics, and commissioning the g-2 ring and the detectors. The successful applicant will be expected to play a lead role in the development and refinement of the reconstruction techniques for the analysis of the muon precession frequency.  Ideally, the position would begin in the summer, 2017.

Applicants must have a PhD in experimental high energy, nuclear or accelerator physics. Applications should be submitted at and should include a CV, a list of publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation. All materials, including all letters of recommendation, must be received by June 30, 2017.  For information about the position, contact Prof. Lawrence Gibbons at

Cornell University is an equal-opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Last update: 05-09-2017 - 16:05