ICTP Colloquium and Opening Ceremony

ICTP Colloquium by Prof. Cirac in conjunction with the opening ceremony of the Trieste Institute for the Theory of Quantum Technologies (TQT)
Tipologia evento: 
Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
25/03/2019 - 11:30
Data fine evento: 
25/03/2019 - 13:30
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 

Prof. Ignacio Cirac from the Max-Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany, will give an inaugural lecture on "Quantum Simulations and the difficulty of solving Quantum many-body systems" within the ceremony for the launch of the new Trieste Institute for the Theory of Quantum Technologies (TQT), a new initiative between ICTP, SISSA and the University of Trieste.

The new Institute for the Theory of Quantum Technologies has been     established as a joint venture to address the significant and growing number of researchers working in the field of the so-called "Quantum Technologies" in universities and research institutions in the region, taking into account the high quality of scientific production in this field and the need to unite and coordinate activities and skills into an Inter- organizational Institute. "TQT" will be an international centre of excellence promoting theoretical research in the field of Quantum Technologies, serving as a catalyst for theoretical activities not only in Italy, but also in the neighbouring regions of the former Eastern Europe reaching out to also engage developing countries.

Light refreshments will follow after the event.


ICTP, Budinich Lecture Hall


For more information, see the link and attached poster: http://indico.ictp.it/event/8898/

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21-03-2019 - 14:24