Advanced Master Programmes

Certificate of AccreditationThere is a worldwide shortage of clinical medical physics professionals and medical physics academics. The safe and effective implementation of technology in Imaging Medical Physics, Therapeutic Medical Physics and Medical Radiation Dosimetry requires oversight and support from expert medical physicists. Medical physics was classified as a Profession by the United Nations International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2011.

Prior to embarking on a clinical training programme, the resident medical physicist requires appropriate post-graduate academic education, to provide the background knowledge to support the acquisition of skills and competences implicit in a hospital-based clinical residency.

On this basis, the joint University-ICTP Master of Advanced Studies has the following structure:

  • a first year at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), based on a postgraduate programme in Medical Physics, including appropriate academic courses in Medical Physics;
  • a second year of clinical training (residency)


The Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics has obtained the accreditation by the IOMP (International Organization of Medical Physics).

The present Master Course does not prepare Medical Physicists for the Italian hospitals, because in Italy a 3-year post-graduate course in "Fisica Sanitaria" is required.


Board of the Master:

  • Renata Longo, University of Trieste, Director of the Master
  • Renato Padovani, ICTP, Coordinator of the Master
  • Marco Esposito, ICTP
  • Paola Bregant, University Hospital of Trieste
  • Fulvia Arfelli, University of Trieste
  • Luigi Rigon, University of Trieste


External Scientific Advisors:

  • Slavic Tabakov
    King’s College London (UK)
    Past President IOMP (International Organization for Medical Physics)
  • Mauro Carrara
    IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Vienna (Austria)
  • Ahmed Meghzifene
    IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) Vienna (Austria)



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The MMP Thesis:

Thesis Titles (2022/23) part 1 - PDF file
Thesis Titles (2022/23) part 2 - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2021/22) part 1 - PDF file
Thesis Titles (2021/22) part 2 - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2020/21) - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2019/20) - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2018/19) - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2017/18) - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2016/17) - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2015/16) - PDF file

Thesis Titles (2014/15) - PDF file




Graduation Ceremonies

December 2023

December 2022

December 2021

December 2020

December 2019

December 2018

December 2017

December 2016

December 2015



Description Length Status Class ID Class Campus
2 Anni
Si primo anno Trieste