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Summer Students and Summer Schools
Summer students
Swiss Summer Student Particle Physics Program, July – September 2024
If you have an interest in data analysis or detector development in particle physics, a new summer student program will run this summer that may be of interest to you. The program is organized by ETH Zürich, the University of Zürich, EPFL and the University of Geneva.
Undergraduate students and master’s students are eligible to apply.
Further details may be found at: https://www.facebook.com/swisssummerstudentparticlephysicsprogram
Studentship Programme at the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
Five places on the ING studentship programme 2024/25. The deadline for applications is Friday 15th March 2024, 24:00 WET
Details of the programme can be found on:
The programme provides a unique opportunity for PhD, MSc or undergraduate astronomy students to get hands-on experience of work at an international observatory.
Successful applicants will spend one year on La Palma, partaking in observations with the WEAVE multi-object spectrograph on the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope, and working on projects supervised by the ING staff. The studentship programme is open to anyone, but we particularly welcome applicants from our three partner countries: the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.
Breakthrough Listen Summer Undergraduate Research Internships
Current undergraduates are invited to apply for research internship positions with the Breakthrough Listen project. Breakthrough Listen is the world's most comprehensive, intensive, and sensitive search for extraterrestrial intelligence. We seek a scientific answer to one of humanity’s oldest questions: Are we alone in the Universe?
SOKENDAI KEK Tsukuba/J-PARC Summer Student Program
KEK, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, is one of the world’s leading accelerator science research laboratories, located in Japan. Using high-energy particle beams and synchrotron light sources, KEK conducts research on the origin of the universe, unknowns of the matter and secrets of life.
In the program, students belong to one of the research groups and conduct research work under the supervision of researchers in a group staying at Tokai campus or Tsukuba campus of KEK for weeks. In some cases, students can have an opportunity to work with SOKENDAI students, or postdocs in host research groups.
Summer students join research groups engaged in the following fields either at Tsukuba campus or at J-PARC:
- Elementary Particle physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Material & life science
- Accelerator science
- Advanced Detection System(Sensors/ Electronics/Computing)
- Theory (computational methods in quantum field theory, i.e. Lattice QCD)
Per info sulla parte di fisica delle particelle fare riferimento al gruppo Belle II di Trieste.
ICFO Summer Fellows Program
Fellows engage in approximately twelve weeks of full-time research under the supervision and mentorship of ICFO Group Leaders, and participate in a focused training program covering the basics and applications of the different research topics active at the institute.
In addition, students are encouraged to take part in the seminars which occur almost daily at the centre, as well as the ICFO Colloquium series.
MCQST Summer Bachelor Program
After an introductory week featuring a retreat in the Bavarian Spa town Bad Tölz you will work on a project of our research groups. In addition, cultural and social activities give you a taste of life in Munich. By the end of the program, you will have gained first-hand expert knowledge in quantum science and technology and a familiarity with the Munich research environment.
MCQST focuses on specific research directions: quantum information theory, quantum simulations, quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum metrology and sensing, quantum matter, and interdisciplinary explorative directions
CASSUM - Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowships
We invite applications for Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowships for 2024. These research projects (see list below) will be conducted over a 10 week period with start date of 20th May 2024 (later starting dates may be available on request) and end date of 26th July 2024.
The supervisors are mostly based at Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden and it is expected that students will visit and work at Chalmers for at least part of this period, with remote supervision for the remainder. Students will receive a stipend for their participation in the program, as well as full travel & housing support to visit Chalmers.
Summer student at CERN
During this unique and exciting time, you can attend a series of lectures specially prepared for you where experts and scientists from around the world share their knowledge about a wide range of topics in the fields of theoretical and experimental particle physics, engineering and computing. Visits to the CERN facilities, as well as discussion sessions and workshops are also key features of the programme. Find out more on the Summer Student information page. A short report on your work and project at CERN will be expected at the end of your stay.
Summer student at DESY
- Photon science (Materia condensata)
- Elementary particle physics & Accelerators
- Astroparticle physics
Selected candidates join in the day-to-day work of research groups at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg or Zeuthen (Berlin). Research projects can be categorised into different types of activities: practical work on detectors or experimental equipment, physics data analysis, software development, theory, and scientific computing
Summer student at Fermilab
Physics students will be trained in the research groups working on the new Fermilab initiatives, the mu2e, muon (g-2), nova experiments, as well as future neutrino physics experiments, or in the Fermilab group which collaborates with the CMS experiment at CERN, or in the theory group. Some students may be still involved in the analysis of CDF data, within the CDF physics groups. For some students the internship may take place in other US laboratories or universities.
Summer Schools
UCL Summer School
The module in its scope, aims to offer exposure to the fundamental principles of special and general relativity and their significance to the evolution of the Cosmos. Topics such as stellar interiors, classification and evolution along with galaxy dynamics will be discussed in some detail. The module will culminate with descriptions of current cosmological models and touch up on recent developments of the much discussed dark matter and dark energy mysteries and what they entail to the evolution of the Universe.
Last update: 02-03-2025 - 16:07