U-Multirank 2015: Trieste still among the top Italian universities

Trieste still among the top Italian universities in the new European global university ranking, U-Multirank
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The European ranking U-Multirank confirms also for 2015 the excellent result obtained by UniTs, classified among the best Italian Universities in particular for its scientific research.

U-Multirank is the first global university ranking funded by the european union: it is the product of an independent consortium, led by the centre for higher education in germany and by the center for higher education policy studies in the Netherlands.

The University of Trieste stands out in this special ranking thanks to the large number of scientific and inter-disciplinary publications.

The Physics Department greatly contributed to this result with its excellent performance, due to the large number of citations in scientific publications and research positions for graduate students, as well as in technology transfer, for the amount of external funding, for the number of publications with industry and for its spin-offs.

See also: Taiwan University Ranking 2013: Physics of Trieste ranks 123 th place worldwide

Last update: 04-27-2015 - 16:55